|Rock/Scale Crawlers

Axial SCX10III Jeep JLU Kit Build Series - Part 5 - Chassis Assembly

Part 5 - Chassis Assembly (F1-F10)

Getting to the part where everything is all starting to come together!

You'll need bags F and K

Step F1

Step F2

Step F3

Like a lot of people, I had to cut out a notch to fit the servo.

Step F4

The legend for this step says you only need 4x M3x12mm countersunk screws, but you actually need 6 of them.

Step F5

Step F6

There is a mistake in the instructions here as far as the legend goes. It states that only 2x of the M3x12 countersunk screws are needed when you in fact need 4 of them.\

Step F7

You'll run into another mistake here. The legend for F7 shows that you need 4x M3x10 countersunk screws when you only really need 2 of them.

Step F8

Pay attention to the groove for the panhard bar and make sure the rod-ends for the panhard bar are in the correct direction for the panhard bar to move into that groove when the suspension is compressed.

Step F9

It has been recommended to get a M3 tap for the shock towers holes to mount the shocks. I didn't have a M3 tap, so I did the next best thing that completely worked out fine for me. I took the supplied black grease and squirted some into the shock tower hole I wanted to use. I then took the screw for this step and proceeded to thread the hole in the shock tower. Then I backed the screw out and proceeded to mount the shocks.

The axle panhard mount is also not very intuitive. You need to mount the panhard mount from the rear like it shows in the instructions, BUT when you look at the axle, you'll notice that the hole for the panhard mount is bigger in the front than the rear. This intuitively would say that you need to mount the panhard to the front of the panhard mount, but that's not the case. I wonder if it was just an oversight. In any case, just carefully enlarge and thread the panhard from the rear of the axle panhard mount.

Step F10

Again with this step, since I didn't have a M3 tap for the shock towers, I used the black grease in the hole and pre-thread with the screw trick.

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